
Compiled by Jia Yan.


Translations. 1

Books. 1

Stray translations published in journals. 6





Bai Kaiyuan (白开元): 《寂园心曲:泰戈尔诗歌三百首》(Heart Songs in Santiniketan: Three Hundred Poems of Tagore), Nanning: Guangxi People’s Publishing House, 1987.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《孟加拉母亲 印度诗选》(Mother Bengal: Select Indian Poems), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1988.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《泰戈尔儿童诗选》(Select Tagore’s Poems for Kids), Beijing: China Radio & Television Publishing House, 1990.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《泰戈尔散文精选》(Selected Proses of Tagore), Beijing: China Radio & Television Publishing House, 1991.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《泰戈尔哲理诗选》(Select Philosophical Poems of Tagore), Beijing: China Radio & Television Publishing House, 1991.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《恋歌之河 爱情诗选》(River of Love: Selected Love Poems of Tagore), Guilin: Lijiang Publishing House, 1995.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《泰戈尔爱情诗精选》(Selected Love Poems of Tagore), Hefei: Anhui Literature & Art Publishing House, 2002.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《渡口集》(Crossing), Beijing: China Radio & Television Publishing House, 2010.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali), Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2011.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《泰戈尔小说》(Novels of Tagore), Beijing: China Youth Publishing Group, 2011.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《游思集》(The Fugitive), Beijing: China Radio & Television Publishing House, 2011.


Bai Kaiyuan: 《泰戈尔演讲选集》(Select Speeches of Tagore), Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2013.


Bing Xin (冰心): 《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1955. (Beijing: China Book Press, 2007; Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.)


Bing Xin and Shi Zhen (石真): 《泰戈尔诗选》(Select Poems of Tagore), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1958.


Bing Xin: 《泰戈尔诗选:吉檀迦利/园丁集》(Select Poems of Tagore: Gitanjali and The Gardener), Changsha: Hunan People’s Publishing House, 1982.


Bing Xin and Jin Kemu (金克木): 《回忆录附我的童年》(My Reminiscences and My Boyhood Days), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1988.


Bing Xin and Ni Peigeng: 《喀布尔人》(The Man from Kabul), Beijing: Jiefangjun Publishing House of Literature and Art, 1999.


Bing Xin, Shi Zhen and Zheng Zhenduo: 《泰戈尔诗选》(Select Poems of Tagore, People’s Education Press, 2002.


Bing Xin: 《回忆录》(The Reminiscences), Beijing: The Eastern Publishing House, 2005.


Dong Youchen (董友忱): 《家庭与世界》(The Home and the World, Jinan: Shandong Publishing House of Literature and Art, 1987.


Dong Youchen: 《王后市场》(The Young Queen’s Market), Changsha: Hunan People’s Publishing House, 1988.


Dong Youchen, Bing Xin, et al.:《四个人》(Four People), Beijing: Sino-Culture Press, 1998.


Dong Youchen: 《苏俄札记:俄罗斯书简》(Letters from Russia, Guilin: Guangxi Normal University Press, 2004.


Dong Youchen: 《秘密财宝》(The Hidden Treasure), Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013.


Feng Jinxin (冯金辛): 《金船》(The Golden Boat), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1990.


Gong Jing (宫静): 《人生的亲证》(Realisation of Life), Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1992. (Shanghai: Shanghai Culture Press, 2009.)


Huang Xingqi (黄星圻): 《戈拉》(Gora), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1959.


Huang Yushi (黄雨石): 《沉船》(The Wreck), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1957. (Beijing: Foreign Literature Press, 1999.)


Huang Zhongsu (黄仲苏): 《园丁集》(The Gardener), Shanghai: Zhonghua Book Company, 1940.


Li Jiazhen (李家真): 《采果集》(Fruit-gathering), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.


Li Jiazhen: 《流萤集》(Fireflies), Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2010.


Ling Zi (玲子): 《采果集》(Fruit-gathering), Ha’erbin: Heilongjiang Science & Technology Press, 2012.


Ling Zi: 《飞鸟集》(Stray Birds), Ha’erbin: Heilongjiang Science & Technology Press, 2012.


Ling Zi: 《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali), Ha’erbin: Heilongjiang Science & Technology Press, 2012.


Liu Jian (刘建): 《孟加拉掠影》(Glimpses of Bengal), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1985.


Liu Shoukag (刘守康):《戈拉》(Gora) , Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1984.


Long Jiani (龙佳妮): 《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali), Beijing: Sino United Publishing House, 2013.


Lou Tongsun (楼桐孙): 《国家主义》(Nationalism), Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1927. (translated from the French version)


Lu Jinde (陆晋德): 《飞鸟集》(Stray Birds), Nanjing: Yilin Press, 2008 (2011).


Ni Peigeng (倪培耕), et al.: 《饥饿的石头》(The Hungry Stones), Nanning: Lijiang Publishing House, 1983.


Shao Xunmei (邵洵美): 《家庭与世界》(The Home and the Word), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1987.


Shen Huan (深幻) and Wang Li (王立): 《吉檀迦利:献歌》(Gitanjali: Song Offerings), Beijing: The Contemporary World Press, 2004. (Beijing: China Pictorial Publishing House, 2010.)


Shi Zhecun (施蛰存): 《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali), Zhengyin Press, 1948.


Shi Zhen (石真): 《摩克多塔拉 自由的瀑布》(Muktadhara: The Waterfall), Shanghai: New Literature and Art Publishing House, 1958. (Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1986.)


Shi Zhen, et al.: 《两亩地》(Two Acres of Land), Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1959.


Shi Zhen: 《泰戈尔诗集:采果集/爱者之贻/渡口》(Select Poems of Tagore: Fruit-Gathering, Lover's Gift and Crossing), Changsha: Hunan People’s Publishing House, 1991.


Song Zhirui (宋治瑞): 《秘密宝藏》(The Hidden Treasure), Shanghai: Juvenile & Children’s Publishing House, 1986.


Tan Renxia (谭仁侠): 《民族主义》(Nationalism), Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1982 (2009).


Tang Yongkuan (汤永宽): 《游思集》(The Fugitive), Shanghai: New Literature and Art Publishing House, 1957.


Wang Duqing (王独清): 《新月集》(The Crescent Moon), Shanghai: Taidong Publishing House, 1923.


Wang Yu (王瑜): 《生之实现》(The Realisation of Life), Hefei: Anhui People’s Publishing House, 2013.


Wang Yuyao (王娱瑶): 《河边的台阶》(The River Stairs), Nanjing: Jiangsu Publishing House of Literature and Art, 2013.


Wu Yan (吴岩): 《园丁集》(The Gardener), Shanghai: New Literature and Art Publishing House, 1956.


Wu Yan: 《鸿鹄集》(A Flight of Swans), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1984.


Wu Yan: 《情人的礼物》(Lover’s Gift), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1984.


Wu Yan : 《吉檀迦利》(Gitanjali), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1986.


Wu Yan: 《春之循环》(The Cycle of Spring), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 1991.


Wu Yan: 《情人的礼物 泰戈尔抒情诗选》(Lover’s Gift: Selected Love Poems of Tagore), Shanghai: Shanghai Translation Publishing House, 2012.


Xu Hanlin (徐翰林): 《飞鸟集》(Stray Birds), Tianjin: Tianjin Education Press, 2006 (2007).


Xu Hanlin: 《世界上最遥远的距离》(The Longest Distance in the World), Beijing: The Chinese Overseas Publishing House, 2012.


Zhai Shiying (翟世英): 《春之循环》(The Cycle of Spring), Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1924.


Zheng Zhenduo (郑振铎): 《飞鸟集》 (Stray Birds), included in the book series of literature research society, Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1922. (Shanghai: New Literature and Art Publishing House, 1956.)


Zheng Zhenduo: 《新月集》(The Crescent Moon), included in the book series of literature research society, Shanghai: The Commercial Press, 1923. (Beijing: People’s Literature Publishing House, 1954.)


Zheng Zhenduo: 《泰戈尔诗选:新月集/飞鸟集》(Select Poems of Tagore: The Crescent Moon and Stray Birds), Changsha: Hunan People’s Publishing House, 1981.


Zhong Shufeng (钟书峰): 《萨达那 生命的证悟》(Sadhana: the Realisation of Life), Beijing: Guangming Daily Press, 2012.


Zhou Cezong (周策纵): 《失群的鸟》(Stray Birds), Beijing: China Translation & Publishing Corporation, 1994.


Stray translations published in journals


Chen Duxiu (陈独秀): four poems of Gitanjali, La Jeunesse, Vol.1 (2), 1915.


Liu Bannong (刘半农): four poems of The Crescent Moon, La Jeunesse, Vol.5 (2) (3), 1918.


Zheng Zhenduo (郑振铎): twenty-two poems of Gitanjali, Humanity, 1920.